Week 4: Day 23 Pictures

Symptom update:

My lips are definitely dry, so I have to keep up on the Aquaphor so they don’t get too chapped or feel completely awful. The corner of my mouth have started cracking and that has been annoying the last several days.

I don’t know if it’s related to the Accutane, but my lower back has been killing me for about a week and a half. It hasn’t been so bad today, but a few days ago it was was definitely hurting.

I had to buy some different skincare products because the products I was using were making my skin sting so bad. I had been using the Neutrogena Pore Minimizing Toner and Simple Rich Moisturizer. I’d used the Neutrogena toner for about two or three weeks and it had been okay, but it just started to sting pretty bad and the Simple Skincare moisturizer just never agreed with my skin. I’m not sure why it felt so bad when their products are supposed to be “simple” and perfect for sensitive skin.

Anyway, here are this week’s pictures. I feel like my progress is pretty slow on this. Next Thursday is when I have my monthly checkup with my dermatologist and maybe I will get to increase the dosage. I’m doing 30 mgs right now.






2 thoughts on “Week 4: Day 23 Pictures

  1. I did a course of Roaccutane 10 years ago when I was 16. For about 6 – 8 weeks I was extremely disappointed that my progress was slow and I’d even suffered a few cystic break outs that were worse than I’d ever had. Then, all of a sudden, everything changed. I didn’t up my dosage or anything but all my acne started disappearing and breakouts just didn’t happen anymore. The more time passed, the more the redness disappeared, blackheads started to squeeze out and disappear and my cystic acne developed. By the end of my course I was 100% acne free and honestly, you couldn’t tell I’d ever suffered of cystic acne. I hope you get the desired effects soon!

  2. Wow you were at the exact time I am at today on your accutane course two years ago 🙂 I don’t know if you still read your blog but I applaude your bravery.
    I’m on 20mg and impatient but just praying it will all clear up soon and be worth the muscle pains and bloody nose.
    I hope your skin stayed clear!

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